SSTP VPN config guide for Windows Vista or Windows 7
1. Click [Start]->[Control Panel]
2. Click on "Network and Internet" on Control Panel
3. Click on "Network and Sharing Center"
4. Click on "Set up a new connection or Network".
5. On the next screen, click on "Connect to a workplace" then click button "Next"
6. Select "No, create a new connection",then click button "Next"
7. Then click "Use my Internet connection (VPN)"
8. Enter our server ip to "Internet Address", and enter a name for this vpn connection such as VPNGates, then click button "Next"
9. Enter your vpn account username and password that you can find it in your member area on our website.
10. The connection is ready to use, click "Close"
11. Click "Change network adapter settings" on "Network and Sharing Center"
12. Find vpn connection that you created and right click on it, then click "properties"
13. Then click on the 'Security' tab
14. Choose the "Secure Socks Tunneling Protocol" for "Type of VPN" on the dropdown list
15. Click "OK" to save your change
16. Click icon of Network on system tray
17. Then click on the entry and click "Connect".
18. Click button "Connect" to connect to our vpn server.